Verbs define potential actions within workflows explicitly, enabling dynamic decision-making and process optimization based on business logic and context.
Represent Potential Actions
Verbs provides a powerful framework for defining and managing the actions that can be performed within your business domain. It enables you to create a structured representation of operations that connect entities and drive business processes.
- Action Modeling: Define the core actions in your business domain
- Subject-Verb-Object Structure: Create semantic relationships between entities
- Parameter Definitions: Define the inputs required for each action
- Validation Rules: Ensure action integrity with validation constraints
- Composition: Combine simple verbs into complex operations
- Extensibility: Extend verb definitions with custom behaviors
- Type Safety: Full TypeScript support for reliable development
import { defineVerb } from ''
// Define a Purchase verb
const Purchase = defineVerb({
name: 'Purchase',
description: 'Represents the action of buying a product or service',
// Define the subject and object of this verb
subject: {
type: 'Customer',
description: 'The customer making the purchase',
object: {
type: 'Product',
description: 'The product being purchased',
// Define additional parameters for this verb
parameters: {
quantity: {
type: 'number',
required: true,
minimum: 1,
description: 'Number of items to purchase',
paymentMethod: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['credit_card', 'paypal', 'bank_transfer', 'crypto'],
required: true,
description: 'Method of payment',
shippingAddress: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
street: { type: 'string', required: true },
city: { type: 'string', required: true },
state: { type: 'string', required: true },
postalCode: { type: 'string', required: true },
country: { type: 'string', required: true },
required: true,
description: 'Shipping address for physical products',
couponCode: {
type: 'string',
required: false,
description: 'Optional discount coupon code',
// Define the result of this verb
result: {
type: 'Order',
description: 'The order created from this purchase',
// Define validation rules
validations: [
rule: 'quantity must be available in inventory',
message: 'The requested quantity is not available',
rule: 'if product is digital, shippingAddress is not required',
message: 'Shipping address is not required for digital products',
// Define the handler that executes this verb
handler: async ({ subject, object, parameters }, context) => {
const { quantity, paymentMethod, shippingAddress, couponCode } = parameters
// Check inventory
const product = await context.db.Product.findById(
if (product.inventory < quantity) {
throw new Error('Insufficient inventory')
// Calculate price
let totalPrice = product.price * quantity
if (couponCode) {
const coupon = await context.db.Coupon.findByCode(couponCode)
if (coupon && coupon.isValid) {
totalPrice = totalPrice * (1 - coupon.discountPercentage / 100)
// Process payment
const paymentResult = await{
amount: totalPrice,
method: paymentMethod,
// Create order
const order = await context.db.Order.create({
status: 'confirmed',
// Update inventory
await context.db.Product.update(, {
inventory: product.inventory - quantity,
return order
// Use the Purchase verb in a workflow
import { AI } from ''
export default AI({
onCheckout: async ({ verbs, event }) => {
const { customerId, productId, quantity, paymentMethod, shippingAddress, couponCode } = event
// Execute the Purchase verb
const order = await verbs.Purchase({
subject: { id: customerId },
object: { id: productId },
parameters: {
return {
status: order.status,
totalPrice: order.totalPrice,
Verb Composition allows you to compose complex operations from simpler verbs:
const CompleteCheckout = defineVerb({
name: 'CompleteCheckout',
description: 'Completes the checkout process for a shopping cart',
subject: {
type: 'Customer',
description: 'The customer checking out',
object: {
type: 'ShoppingCart',
description: 'The shopping cart being checked out',
// Define the composition of verbs
composition: [
verb: 'ValidateCart',
mapping: {
subject: 'subject',
object: 'object',
verb: 'ProcessPayment',
mapping: {
subject: 'subject',
object: {
type: 'PaymentIntent',
source: 'parameters.paymentIntent',
verb: 'CreateOrder',
mapping: {
subject: 'subject',
object: 'object',
result: 'result',
verb: 'EmptyCart',
mapping: {
subject: 'subject',
object: 'object',
// Additional configuration...
Verb Categories supports various categories of verbs for different types of actions:
Transactional Verbs
const Transfer = defineVerb({
name: 'Transfer',
category: 'transaction',
subject: { type: 'Account' },
object: { type: 'Account' },
parameters: {
amount: { type: 'number', required: true },
currency: { type: 'string', required: true },
// Additional configuration...
Communication Verbs
const Notify = defineVerb({
name: 'Notify',
category: 'communication',
subject: { type: 'System' },
object: { type: 'User' },
parameters: {
message: { type: 'string', required: true },
channel: { type: 'string', enum: ['email', 'sms', 'push'], required: true },
// Additional configuration...
State Change Verbs
const Activate = defineVerb({
name: 'Activate',
category: 'state',
subject: { type: 'Admin' },
object: { type: 'Account' },
parameters: {
reason: { type: 'string', required: false },
// Additional configuration...
Verb Templates
Discover and use pre-built verb templates from the marketplace to accelerate your development process.
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